The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119402   Message #2593838
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Mar-09 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Subject: RE: BS: $100 million bonuses to AIG execs
Janie, I really appreciate your 'considerate' response! However there are just a few things to consider, about this present administration. Transparency? Like, no lobbyists in his cabinet. That is a lie! Time line for who knew what, in the bailout, structuring?..another lie. Raising the deficit, and borrowing from the 'future(?), as he is doing?....okay, solving the problem, by doing what was done to get us into the whole mess, in the first place...('Change' we can believe in'?) Dumb! Violating the constitution by reneging, on the contracts, and interfering with private contracts..The President is not a law unto himself..ask Nixon. Running up OVER TWO TRILLION deficit, in the first months of taking office?? Come on!... and the talk (read: trial balloon) of making vets pay for service related injuries(which he had to back down from, so far) absolutely brain dead! Imagine, a Vietnam vet, drafted(forced to serve, or go to prison), getting injured, and now forced to be off VA medical treatments???..This guy is so locked up in his very far left agendas, he can't see straight! Signing bills that he hasn't even read, that is breaking the back of the economy?? This is a 'little more' than just inexperience! Listen to Gibbs, stutter, and him and haw, at almost tough questions, put to him, by the press, at the press briefings....listen carefully, this is getting too hard to ignore! Look, I didn't vote for him, but when he took office, I was willing to support him, being as he is our president, but this is beginning to be a circus of incompetence, bordering on treason! Sorry, if I sound wary, but, I am...and for good reason, which seems to unfold daily...sometimes hourly. Everyday, another scandalous tidbit of news, comes out about this guy, and his band of clowns(Keystone Cops), trying to smooth over another incident. One third of his appointees, are tax cheats! If he wants to stop his slipping credibility, he needs to tell Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Barney Frank, Geithner, Axelrod, to get lost, and stand up to them, and rid his cabinet of the lobbyists that he made exceptions for....and for Pete's sake, throw away that damn, teleprompter...and speak what is really in his head! Other than that, he's just great!!...Kumbayah!