The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119594   Message #2594713
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
22-Mar-09 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: Sing, Sally-O / Mudder Dinah
Subject: Sing, Sally-O / Mudder Dinah (Chantey)
I'm interested in comparing notes on this chantey. I find very little information on it, and I'm wondering if it has been preserved in the oral tradition at all or if, minimally, anyone has performed/recorded it in more recent times.

Stan Hugill gives 2 versions of it n SHANTIES FROM THE SEVEN SEAS. He learned both from his West Indian friend, Harding.

His first version is supposed to be a capstan chantey, a version of which was also published in Bullen's book (which I don't have). I see that Pint & Dale have recorded a rendition of this one, a sample is here
I'm going to assume they took it from Hugill, since they have done that with many of their songs. Of course, their style is not intended to be "typical" sea chantey style.

Hugill's second version is a halyard chantey which as printed is quite similar to one printed in Sharp's ENGLISH FOLK CHANTEYS. This one's in the Digital Tradition. Colcord reproduces Sharp's version in her book. I just recorded an attempt at this one (Hugill's, not Sharp's), without ever having heard a rendition, HERE

Could anyone kindly point me to other versions or more information? The lyrics smack of a minstrel tune, in my opinion, but that trail is also cold. Nor have I happened upon any West Indian non-chanteys that might fit the bill. Anyone have it in his/her repertoire?
