The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118563   Message #2595349
Posted By: balladeer
23-Mar-09 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding tribute, March 21, Toronto
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding tribute, March 21, Toronto
Mick, you are referring to David Woodhead. David plays many different instruments, all with a master's touch, but he does have a particularly striking approach to the bass guitar. You heard him playing A Thousand Thank Yous, which was written by the great Toronto violinist, Oliver Schroer, not too long before his untimely (and still very recent) passing. When David played Ollie's piece so melodiously and sensitively on his electric bass on Saturday night, it felt like a requiem for Rick - and for Ollie as well.

And Mick - thank you for your personal words of encouragement to me.

You are a pretty special guy.
