The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119547   Message #2595739
Posted By: Phil Edwards
23-Mar-09 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Subject: RE: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
not to listen to material simply because the author is known denotes a listener who uses note pads less than a 1/4" wide because that's how narrow the mind of the listener is.

I don't think anyone has said they won't listen to songs with a known author, or even that they'll refuse to perform them. All the Sturm und Drang on this thread has been kicked off by people wilfully, immoderately and with malice aforethought suggesting that recently-composed songs shouldn't be referred to as 'folk songs', and furthermore having the unmitigated audacity to opine that places called 'folk clubs' ought to put on a bit of traditional music now and again. Nowt so queer as folk[ies].