The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23348   Message #259590
Posted By: Lepus Rex
17-Jul-00 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: How Ethnically Diverse Are We - Part Two
Subject: RE: How Ethnically Diverse Are We - Part Two
That's a really good point about how many of us don't know our family's history past a generation or so back, Jim. My dad's family is REALLY good about the history part---Some parts go back more than 1000 years. My mom's side, however, is pretty much the opposite. Well. not really the opposite. That would be not knowing where the grandkids are, I suppose. But you get the idea.

I can name... FIVE of my great-grandparents, without looking it up, and can say where all eight lived, and what state/country seven of them were born in. I'd like to leave the USA andreturn to one of my ancestral homelands, by the way. Millenia there, a couple hundred years here... I'd like to go 'home.' Just waiting for one of them to have a 'unambitious (hell, anti-ambitious), unskilled lazy bastard' shortage. ;)

---Lepus Rex