The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23376   Message #259605
Posted By: InOBU
17-Jul-00 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Help: garbage thread
Subject: RE: Help: garbage thread
One good thing about this tread, (besides it shows the popularity of garbage) Is that I had missed Big Mick's Uilleann pipe thread, and so it directed me to that. As to the popularity of garbage, it is odd, isn't it. We in Manhattan have had to send all our garbage to Staten Island, for years now now they don't want it any more so we are mailing it to Iowa or Idaho, one or the other, same to me... but all we have to do is post a garbage thread on some folk music page, and people will come and get it! Remember when we sent it down to South America and Cuba had to chase away our garbage barge with gun boats. If we had only known. Fancy that...
Wallowing in the hollow with all our friends