The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119636   Message #2596173
Posted By: greg stephens
24-Mar-09 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: Are Folk Clubs untraditional?
Subject: RE: Are Folk Clubs untraditional?
I went down to ye Dogge and Partridge the otherre nicht for to mete with ye laddes and sing a few old ditties.I pade one groate to be admited to ye backe room, whiche unfortunately was fulle of certeyne miserable ancient bearded schooltecherres clerkes and librariannes who sange sundry tedious ditties they hadde mayde uppe about unpleseuynt but tediousse thingis in therre lives, and other dirges pretending to be aboute ye olde days on ye canalles and inne ye milles and other places where workynnge folk do toil. I made my excuses and hied me to Mistress Snagtooth's Emporium of Young Ladies for otherre diversiones
(Obediah Catchpole's Diaries 1595-1628, ed Stephens)