The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118801   Message #2598041
Posted By: VirginiaTam
26-Mar-09 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: Sng/Ssn L Stoke N Kent UK poss 22/9Mar?
Subject: RE: Sng/Ssn L Stoke N Kent UK poss 22/9Mar?
Aww Pete.. Not fair that you can't be there.

Tone Def Leopard in da house, HOORAY!

So potential list is:

Abdul de Bul Bul & friend?
Barden of England & Bardettes?
Clive Lever & Don(Wyziwyg)T?
DeadHorse and partner?
Essex Girl & friend?
Fairmaid of Nottingham
Fisheye & Paul?
Growler & Melodeonboy & Fiddlebird?
Kev the Clogs & Dilligaf
Naughtyforty & little Apprentice & ?
Richard Bridge
Romanyman & partner???
Sheppey Paul & partner?
Steve May?
Tone Def Leopard & Ben?
VirginiaTam & TheSilentOne
WeeJock & partner?

Who have I forgotten? If all these attned the place will be heaving.

I've been practicing Scarborough Fair and Going Up the Country (Canned Heat). What a hoot. Won't perform these though.

I can't wait. Health don't fail me.

Richard, how is your throat faring?