The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118801   Message #2598535
Posted By: Pierre Le Chapeau
27-Mar-09 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: Sng/Ssn L Stoke N Kent UK poss 22/9Mar?
Subject: RE: Sng/Ssn L Stoke N Kent UK poss 22/9Mar?
I have altered all me clocks. I took them out side this afternoon and painted them all different Colours.

I forgot all about that clock par-larva I ,ll put em back Tonght or is it forward?

This clock altering fiasco was introduced by William Willet of Old Hill Chislehurst during W.W.2 The Chislehurst Caves pass under his house.

The Idea of it was to extend the summertime so has to enable Farmers to get has much Harvest in has possible.

This Rigmarole became known has double summer time.