The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119670   Message #2598576
Posted By: Teribus
27-Mar-09 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
Subject: RE: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
Brilliant from Dick we get:

1.        Capitalism is the conspiracy of power against the powerless, and the legal system is its tool

2.        Capitalism has failed, continues to fail, and in time will come to be seen as it was, a vehicle of oppression as much as the feudal system.

Now to the accompaniment of massed violins we hear away in the distance..........

"The working class can kiss my arse
I've got the foreman's job at last…"

"The conspiracy of power against the powerless" - what an absolute load of bollocks, capitalism is a system that empowers those who seek to prosper. It rewards effort, innovation and aids the advancement of mankind. It opens doors to all willing to apply themselves and has broken down barriers that many thought insurmountable.

So "capitalism has failed" has it?? I see no sign of it having failed. It is still the system that offers most. If it has failed Richard, what has replaced it? And no Keith A of Hertford no RBS customer "lost" their money, if you know of any please provide a source to substantiate your claim.