The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108718   Message #2598877
Posted By: GUEST,BigDaddy
27-Mar-09 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
Subject: RE: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
I'll second that vote for "Electric Mist." Too bad the studio had no faith in their film, and too bad they released it directly to video missing 15 minutes of director Bertrand Tavernier's original vision. Still good with some elements that I always appreciate: Cajun country, cypress trees, Spanish Moss, Buddy Guy, blues, Cajun music, Tommy Lee Jones, visitations from the ghost of General John Bell Hood, meditations on how the past resonates in the present. Reminds me too of the William Faulkner quote, "The past is not dead. It's not even past."