The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119670   Message #2599305
Posted By: theleveller
28-Mar-09 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
Subject: RE: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
"I suggest to you take some responsibility for what you say or someday someone is going to take great umbrage and bloody your nose -- or worse."

I have always taken complete responsibility for what I say and I'm still around and relatively unscathed. In fact, the last person who decided to inflict any form of serious injury on me was many years ago on a Saturday night in the Hull docklands - a three-fingered trawlerman who decided to augment his lack of digits with a fish-gutting knife (sounds like a Mike Waterson song). After some interesting embroidery at Hull Infirmary A&E and a change of underwear, I made the decision that busking was a safer way to earn money than fighting, although I did later come across my opponent in a pub and found that somehow I'd managed to dislocate his shoulder and crack three of his ribs. Ah, happy days! We got ratted together, swore undying love and I never saw him again.

Thanks for asking - the scars have pretty much gone now - and fortunately, in my seventh decade, I've now got two very large sons to keep me out of mischief :0