The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119774   Message #2601007
Posted By: GUEST,Slag
31-Mar-09 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Subject: RE: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Gee, Dickens' spirit has been raised but no one has got around to Hitler yet. Why the delay???

If it's from Obama then it certainly CAN'T be delusional... can it???

There are nut jobs in every human endeavor and for every nut job there are hundreds, if not thousands, who do NOT think; they just follow.

Every great scientist who has discovered a new approach or way of looking at the phenomenon has been branded "delusional" by some colleagues or other faction of mediocrity.

The poor innocent in the luggage might be likened to Schrodinger's Cat. It's status was unknown and unknowable by the delusionals who carried it around. To them, like Schrodinger Cat, it was both alive and dead. They just didn't have sufficient information ( for them, that is) to make the determination. Had they really believed the child dead would they have carried it around in a suitcase? That seems to me to be the real question in this matter.

OK fellas... have at it!