The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119670   Message #2601281
Posted By: GUEST,the sad prophet
31-Mar-09 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
Subject: RE: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
I was a prophet. A disliked prophet.

The only prophets people enjoy for a limited time are the false prophets of doom and gloom or the type that promises good times and sounds like "god will deliver you riches if you give us your money".

For years I have warned about the international criminal corporations and finance criminals that were plundering the world.
While the commissions were rolling in there were few who knew the eventual outcome.

Here I have said numerous times in various ways for the last 10 years, "the ethics at work in the USA is to let all the evil and avarice in men's souls hatch out, if there is a day of reckoning our money will insure our continued happiness".

The evil hatched out, infected the world and now the outcome is just begining to be realized in everyone's life.

Few people here doubted what I was saying with the rare exception of people like robomatic, Doug R and Teribus. For folks like that there will be years of denial and a reversal of historic fact.

The sabotaged and failed lives of the victims of the corporate financial and banking families usually lash out at themselves and their community in ; school, church, nursing home, mall and home - SHOOTINGS.

That one group vandalized a true cause of their personal plight is at least honest and well directed!

When justice fails everyone by protecting only the richest criminals, a base, crude, ugly, ludricrous form of justice will fill the void.

The future will be full of the prolitariate seeking a revenge that will never fit the magnitude of the crimes they have suffered and will suffer for the rest of their lives.

Like Tony Soprano, ex CEO's like Mozillo sit and wait in fear, in their large gated communites protected by one gate guard in his little booth and perhaps a body guard while traveling incognito. They ponder the unfairness of it all and feel that their actions have been just in their perverted sense of the "American way".

All the financial crimes have been commited in your name as an American citizen. All the blame, violence and vandalism will be commited in your name. What we like to forget is...

We are all to blame.