The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23436   Message #260156
Posted By: TheOldMole
18-Jul-00 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Songwriting class
Subject: Songwriting class
I'm teaching a course this fall on song lyric writing. It's a college sourse, so it's not the "How to Write a Hit Song" kind of thing.

My philosophy in general for an undergrad creative writing course is that we're studying an art form - reading (in this case also listening) and learning about it by writing creative work rather than analytic papers.

I've taught it in the past genre by genre - this year I've decided to do it a little differently. I'm breaking it down into:

1. Songs that tell a story (e.g., John Henry, Johnny B. Goode)

2. Songs that stress characterization

a: Songs that create the songwriter as character (e.g., Tori Amos)

b: Songs that create a dramatic character (e.g., musical theater)

3. Songs that send a message (e.g., Which Side Are You On?)

4. Songs that convey pure emotion (e.g., Oh Boy)

Of course, these categories are just hatracks for the purpose of starting discussion, generating writing assignments, and getting my students to start thinking about what songs do.

I'd be delighed to get suggestions for songs that illustrate each category -- not just folk songs. I'll be talking about Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, country, blues, rock and roll, calypso, reggae, etc.

I'd especially like suggestions from the 80s and 90s - I'm weak on the newer stuff.

And while I don't want to knock myself out with a million subcategories...if there's anything really obvious that I missed, I'd appreciate suggestions there too.