The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119774   Message #2601937
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Apr-09 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Subject: RE: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Knowing a bit about the subject, on both sides, here's how I'd call it:
If, in fact, they were 'Christian Science' folks, and believed in a resurrection, The resurrection would apply to those Christians who obeyed the two foremost commandments of Jesus Christ, which were, to believe 'in the One who sent Me, (God), and to LOVE one another, as yourselves', He later expounds on that, as "love one another, as I have loved you'. Quite a few segments(read:denominations), of the Christian faith, seem to circumnavigate those two commandments with 'supplementary' addendums, in their 'dogma'. ie, technicalities, as to Baptisms, assembly, communion, so on and so forth. This is something they do, to 'justify' themselves, and appear 'righteous' to themselves, IN PLACE of obeying to commandment to LOVE! That being said, I personally don't see, how allowing your child to die, and carrying it around in a suitcase, for months, falls into the realm of ..'doing unto others, as you would have them do unto you'. Christian scientist have supplanted obeying the love commandment, with the 'faith healing' focus, as stated above. As to the resurrection of the child, that may happen, but their lack of love, or obeying the commandment to love, if left 'unrepented', would mean that they might not necessarily be in it. So, by their own admission, they have failed to meet the criteria, of what Jesus said would qualify them to be called His own. However, Jesus also said, (referring to children), 'Who so ever should offend one of these, it would be better for him, to tie a millstone around their necks...and it should be better for them to have never been born' Get the idea?
Its very similar to our own Constitution. Stay within the bounds of its guarantees, do not infringe your rights onto someone else's, including the government infringing on yours, and you have freedom, for all. Once you get, umm...'overly self indulgent' with one portion over another, to where it is distorted, you then begin to infringe your WILL over someone else's rights. ....That's a 'no-no'!! It is in there, where all the confusion stars, such as we have seen, in recent years, and increasing, as time goes on. Perhaps a little less 'over reaching' in that area, would clean up, our views on the policies we would impose on other fellow Americans. I hope this will not become a point of contention!
   From all indications, these people should be charged with child neglect, if not murder, or manslaughter, possibly involuntary manslaughter, my (sometimes) humble opinion!