The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23424   Message #260240
18-Jul-00 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Patio Party!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Patio Party!
Hey Mr. Peter......Weeuns jez got back frum beein on the roed fer a spell. Weus hopin ta make it big in the portable pottie biznus but we dun went belly up agin. We hadduz a bunch uv problemz an now "Crapper 'R Us" ain't in biznus no mor. We lost our last outhouse when the block we had a holtin the the wheelz dun let go an it went rollin off. It wuz a site ta beholt tho sinz Paw wuzza usin her at the time an he wuzza sittin there trine ta steer it by scoochin his butt back an forth. He wernt doin to bad til he hit that row uv scrub cedar an it started ta flippin. Ennyway we come on home heer an I hope yall woant menshun nun uv thisseer ta Paw when he gitz heer cuz hiz privetz iz still rite sensitive after awhizzin thru them cedar treez.

Ya reckon I cud git summa that ellyfunt stuff? Paw izza bringin sum gud possum stew he made up even tho Cleigh got rite PO'ed at him anda coorz Catspaw dun tookup fer that dam clay possum an Paw burnt the stew a bit whilst Catspaw wuzza yellin at him.