The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119774   Message #2602469
Posted By: John P
01-Apr-09 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Subject: RE: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
People also have the right to believe as they wish, String. It is only when they try to foist that belief on others who are, for one reason or another, unqualified to make an informed choice that they become a problem. - Don T

Does this include teaching their children their religious beliefs?

I think recent events have shown all of us to suffer from mass delusion - i.e we have all believed in the financial system up to now. - Nickhere

There isn't much real comparison between "believing" in our financial system and believing in a god. Our financial system exists and we can all verify that. I, for one, have never believed in its functionality. In fact, I was sure that this day would come as soon as Reagan and the Republicans started deregulating.

A shocking number horrible crimes are committed by people of with no particular religious affiliation - M Ted

Yes. So? Do you think anyone is saying differently?

We cannot exist without assumptions. Every time you get behind the wheel of your car you have to assume to some degree that the other drivers are going to obey the rules of the road - Slag

Again, there is a huge difference between assuming that most of the people around you are sane and believing in a god. The two aren't even in the same ballpark. Besides, I assume that all the other drivers on the road are poised to kill me and I drive accordingly. Comparing making assumptions with having a belief is like comparing apples to fish.

I believe in the existence of Hong Kong, even though I've never seen it. But then, there is evidence for the existence of Hong Kong. Please don't try to make the word "belief" mean the same thing in two very different circumstances.