The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119631   Message #2602835
Posted By: GUEST,EricTheOrange
02-Apr-09 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: Accepted chords for traditional tunes
Subject: RE: Accepted chords for traditional tunes

The original question wasn't about "individual takes" but the exact opposite - identifying the way things are usually done so as to fit into to it. How not to be original. Nothing wrong with "individual takes" in other performance contexts, but they aren't what sessions are usually about. (Jack Campin)

I used to go to a session where there was a guy who was without doubt a technically excellent guitarist (who I'll call JJ) but who had the sensitivity of a brick. He'd stomp all over the tune with a wide range of "jazz" chords and in my opinion it'd sound awful. I don't go to that session any more which is a shame as the other people were very nice.

I think a lot of what he did was about his ego. We had a young lad who came along once with his guitar. He was nothing special, just stuck to the three chord trick and simple rhythms and it sounded great just filling out the music under the tune players. We were having a nice time. Then JJ arrived and joined in with more and more extreme arrangements and it seemed obvious to the rest of us that he felt threatened by the other guys presence, despite the obvious difference in technical ability. It reached a head when JJ was so wrapped up in being clever that he played loudly all the way through one tune oblivious to the fact that he was in the wrong key! The new guy got up and left and we never saw him again.

I don't really care what people play in sessions as long as it is sensitive to both the tune and the other musicians present. Surely that's what it's all about?