The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119670   Message #2602883
Posted By: Richard Bridge
02-Apr-09 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
Subject: RE: BS: Fred Goodwin's home attacked - hahaha!
"Put the fear of Christ into Goodwin"? Not a bad idea really if one believed in Christ. Did he not use violence to drive the moneychangers from the Temple, saying "This is my father's house, but you have made it into a den of thieves"?

Well this is my father's and his father's etc land (not to forget mothers too) and Goodwin and his ilk have made it onto a den of thieves. They have captured and corruped those who would defend us and in stead of Michael Foot (a man of principle if ever there was one) they gave us Bliar, out of whose shadow (and, worse, Thatcher's long shadow of worship of greed) Brown can only slowly escape.

Until enough people are prepared to do as the followers of Ghandi did and until enough people can see clearly who oppresses them by use of the ballot box, the only path to change is violence.

Did Ireland teach you nothing?