The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119631   Message #2602952
Posted By: Marje
02-Apr-09 - 07:26 AM
Thread Name: Accepted chords for traditional tunes
Subject: RE: Accepted chords for traditional tunes
The article in the link above is interesting but his cultural background information is somewhat suspect. It's news to me that the sessions are mainly or entirely an Irish and Scottish tradition - there's no mention of England where, if my understanding is correct, the Irish pub session habit originated with the London-Irish, and where lively sessions, including English ones, continue to take place all around the country. The same applies to dance: Scottish dancing is mentioned because of its links with Irish dancing, but Engish dancing (step dancing, country dance etc) which is inextricably connected with both, is not apparently worth mentioning.

Interestingly, the first book recommended is by Dave Mallinson, an Englishman who not only publishes Irish session tunes but is a respected authority on English music and English-style melodeon playing.


It may seem tiresome to bang on about this, and I don't have a particular bias as I was born in Scotland and raised in Ireland, but I'm now very involved in the English music scene and I get tired of seeing English culture filtered out of so many accounts, especially in other countries like the US.