The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119774   Message #2603257
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Apr-09 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Subject: RE: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Amos, Thanks for straightening out the links for me. My thing at this end was having a problem doing it...though, it has in the past.

Mrrzy, and JohnP, In posts past, depending on the subject being discussed, I've 'referenced', Adlai Stevenson, Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Frank Zappa, Vladimir Lenin, Bob Dylan, Robert Hienlien, among others. That being said, I find it,...umm, ..shall we say, 'curious' that you should take exception to me referencing 'Nessus' a thread regarding religion. Perhaps you, are the one 'delusional' in a phobic sort of way? Take it easy....unless you feel it more appropriate, that in this thread, I should be 'referencing' Barney Frank, Pelosi, Timmy Tax Cheat, Chris Dodd, or Rush Limbaugh. Whether you like it or not, 'Nessus' as you prefer to call him(phobic?), is considered by most historians, as the most influential religious figure, in history. Why not reference him?? You reference him every time you date a check!
Puzzled Regards,