The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119774   Message #2604720
Posted By: Janie
04-Apr-09 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Subject: RE: BS: It's not delusional if it's religious?
Something to reflect upon. Any thread here on Mudcat regarding religion becomes lengthy, and usually passionate - regardless of whether one is "fer" or "agin." So many so sure they are right and the other is wrong. Some tolerate differing perspectives, but few accept different perspectives.

And yet people (both "fer" and "agin") express surprise and dismay at the amount of violence in the world done in the name of -or against - religion.

Fertile ground for understanding the self, and then, perhaps, understanding others. What plays out here is a microcosm of what gets played out in the 3-D world. There is a difference in degree, but that is all.

This not a critisism. After-all, our community is a microcosm of society. At least of Western society.