The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119547   Message #2604920
Posted By: DMcG
05-Apr-09 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Subject: RE: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
I'd like both sides to clarify what they mean by a performance. Does the guy who unselfconciously "whistles while he works" ((c) Disney) give a performance? Or the one who, on climbing a hill, sings something for the pure joy of it? Or does there have to be an audience involved? You see, I suspect there are a great many people who sing without ever having the courage to give a public performance and while the 1954 definition does include these for traditional songs, I'd like to understand how the other proposed definitions include them - or even whether they do.

Before anyone raises the obvious point: yes, they could sing anything - traditional song, opera, Queen, the Beatles ... We don't need a label to *decide* what they choose to sing. But a label is helpful to *describe* what they choose if they want to tell this to others.

Also I think it would be necessary to make a distinction between the person singing for the pure joy-of-the-moment and the one who is conciously rehearsing for a public performance to be undertaken on some future occasion. But if that makes things a little complicated, I'd be happy to leave it on one side at the moment.