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Thread #119925   Message #2605135
Posted By: Ed T
05-Apr-09 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Veggie/Fruit Wash?
Subject: RE: BS: Veggie/Fruit Wash?

Fruits and vegetables need to be washed to remove pesticides
Wednesday, March 30, 2005 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor | Key concepts: Vegetables, Fruits and Fruits and vegetables
Of all the tons of pesticides used every year to kill insects, only 0.1 percent actually reaches the insects. The rest lands on the ground or on fruits and vegetables. Thus, the pesticides must be thoroughly washed off in order to keep them from entering your system. By using products such as Enviroclean Fruit & Veg Wash, you can remove these dangerous chemicals and eat much safer produce.
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    * According to research undertaken in the United States some 2.5 million tons of pesticides are used annually, but only 0.1% reach the targeted victims, the insects.
    * The other 99.9% ends up in our water supply and on the fruit and vegetables that are sprayed.
    * Pesticides are designed to be neurotoxic, meaning that they attack the nerve tissues of the insects in order to destroy them, but if they are not properly washed from our food, it's unsurprising that they also effect human neurological tissues.
    * Conditions associated with this type of toxic overload include chronic fatigue syndrome and a range of auto immune diseases.
    * Although pesticide residues are found in all of the most commonly eaten fruits and vegetables, scientists have pinpointed the 12 most contaminated products.
    * Grapes, strawberries, cherries peaches, apples, apricots, spinach, red and green peppers, celery, green beans, cucumber, and melons are the worst offenders.
    * The ideal solution would be to only buy organic produce but if this is not a possibility then you might consider Enviroclean Fruit & Veg Wash, a new product from Australia that is now being sold in the U.K. Made from de-ionized water, coconut oil, palm oil and potassium salts the product is designed to remove dirt, wax and chemical build up, herbicides and pesticides from fresh produce.
    * Just sprinkle a few drops into half a sink of water and gently wash produce by hand.
    * Dry on a paper towel or clean tea towel and store in paper, not plastic bags, which help to keep fruit and vegetables in tip top condition for longer.

The product: