The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119547   Message #2606593
Posted By: John P
07-Apr-09 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Subject: RE: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
I like the idea of folk music being a group of people getting together at the end of the work week to enjoy a few songs. From a definition standpoint, of course, it includes all genres of music, but from a process standpoint it suits my experience of making music in a social context. I'm not sure about the no electricity thing, however. While it is true that no amplification is needed to produce a great evening of music, I don't think it ruins it, either. We live in a world that includes electricity, and some folks' instruments require it.

Sinister Supporter, I'm sorry if you think that about the people who find value in the 1954 definition. Would you be willing to consider the idea that the attitude you describe is taking place within yourself, and not in the posts on this thread, nor in the minds of anyone here? Most of us have been at some pains to try to make everyone understand that there is no policing, authoritarianism, demands for anyone to do anything, or the making of holy writ. It's odd to see a intelligent and thoughtful person like yourself drawing conclusions that are at such variance to what has actually been said.