The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119547   Message #2606734
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
07-Apr-09 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Subject: RE: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
so he can get a chance to sing Marieke or Ne Me Quitte Pas with his absolutely atrocious French accent.

Pedant alert: Jacques Brel was Belgian. In the Sinister Supporter Pantheon of Godlike Genii he ranks very highly indeed. For those who don't know:

Presentation has quite a bit to do with it. If a rock band or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir or Kathleen Ferrier sing a folk song, the presentation removes it from the "folk context" that SS loves so much, but it does not alter the fact that it's a folk song.

Change folk song to traditional song and we're in complete accord on that one, Don. My main point is that we Traddy's can't have it both ways; one word will suffice, especially when the other has become flabby with over use. I think the example of the ICTM is one we should heed.

Where I get a bit fed up with discussions of this kind is that those who disagree with a particular viewpoint soon resort to attempting to belittle those who hold the viewpoint by accusing them of being incapable of independent thought and adhering to their viewpoint because they are intimidated by some higher authority and haven't the guts to question it or even examine it, thereby dismissing both them and their viewpoint.

Loathed as I am to point this out, Don, and with total respect, this is a tactic I'd most associate with your good self, and we've seen a bit of it on this thread. Examples include your likening me to Wile E. Coyote in Canyon Crisis, questioning my use of the word corporeal, and your helpful diagram concerning carts and horses. Otherwise, I'm cool with much of what you say and regard you as a Diamond Geezer. Respect.


This is nonesense. Why do you use this pompous sort of language?

Michael - how does Fuck Off sound?