The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2606952
Posted By: Bobert
07-Apr-09 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening, 2009
Sorry, Maggie, but typin' and spellin' ain't my long suit... Throw im serious lexdexia and no matter what I type, or try to typ, looks right half the time even if it ain't... I really do the best that I can do... True story... I couldn't read a lick until I was about 13 years old... Like I said, some of the hillbilly stuff is intended but the rest ain't all that controlable...

No, ain't got any new pics to speak of... The miscantis (grass) grows to 7 feet in late summer... I have several beds of it coming up the driveway... It is almost impossible to divide... You need a serious saw to quarter it... The P-Vine hates it but when you garden on such a lrage ***scale***, you need lots of big plants...

Mr. Doval will be up next week to till up the veggie garden... The P-Vine just planted our veggie plant seed today... Yeah, we a re a couple weeks behind but she picked up a couple of tomato plants to stick in the garden so we'll ahve tomatoes in July from them... Mr. Clifford will have 'um a couple weeks before us and will bring us some the middle of July...

Blew snow off and on all day today even though the temps were low 40s... 'Sposed to go to 60's by Friday... We're off to Montpelier, Va. to buy some Japanese Maples for the Coop... I used to live outside Montpeiler in the 60's on a farm so it's kinda cool going back there... Still the same as it was back then... Rural...

Landed a nice little landscape job today... 18 Green Pillows and 1 Dee Runk boxwoods with lirope and hachnachola edgin'... 22 feet by 9 feet... Well known people in Luray... I was the thrid designer to come in and draw up my ideas and, frankly, the most expensive becasue of the plants I've selected but, hey, got the job... The people didn't show us the other designs so I don't know what the other folks had proposed but I'm real happy to have this job...

BTW, hachnachlia (badly mis-spelled) is the plant of the year among nurseryman... Nice stuff... We have used it going back 6 'er 7 years but it is now in favor...

The enounymous (sp) green spier has sold completely out the the Coop... That is another of my favorites... Nice vertical qualities... Does well with morning sun... Not too good if you have deer... Gotta spray fir scale 2X a year... But nice plant...

Well, love talkin' plants and stuff but I've got only 2 weeks before my 1st festival so that means that I gotta get in a little music work...
