The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120026   Message #2607776
Posted By: Rapparee
08-Apr-09 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Subject: RE: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Note that that's from the UH Military's official history site. They don't hide it.

Even when I was on active duty (1963, 1968-69) there were officers who would look the other way. There were also Black troops who went out of their way to cause trouble -- which is also true of some of the White troops. Race relations were often strained.

I think that they got better FAST when the first bullet cracked by.

There always were, and probably always will be, those who feel superior to others. The Greeks and the Barbarians, the Romans and the Gauls both come to mind.

It's not "right" but it happens. Overall, I think the US military is now ashamed of its racist past.

But consider: Black troops were killing gooks in 'Nam just as White troop killed Chinks in Korea and Japs in the Pacific. You must depersonalize, dehumanize, your enemy before you can kill him.

...There are rumors in our camp about the enemy.
They say that when you see him he looks just like you and me.
But you deny it Sergeant and you are a man of war,
Oh I hope you will be patient for I've never killed before.