The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120026   Message #2608007
Posted By: Azizi
09-Apr-09 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Subject: RE: BS: WW2 made whites-only
For the record, let me note that I pmed Q to inform him about my above post after I had submitted it to this thread.

Also, for the record, let me address my friend Rapaire's 08 Apr 09 - 10:33 PM comments to this thread that "There always were, and probably always will be, those who feel superior to others. The Greeks and the Barbarians, the Romans and the Gauls both come to mind.

It's not "right" but it happens. Overall, I think the US military is now ashamed of its racist past.

But consider: Black troops were killing gooks in 'Nam just as White troop killed Chinks in Korea and Japs in the Pacific. You must depersonalize, dehumanize, your enemy before you can kill him."


Rapaire, unfortunately I suppose that you're correct that "You must depersonalize, dehumanize, your enemy before you can kill him". However, Black soldiers fighting for the Allied cause in WW2 were "depersonalized " and "dehumanized" and they were not the enemy..

As to your point about the US military now being ashamed of its racist past, what makes you think this is the case? If it is true-good. I hope soon the US military will also be ashamed of-and take viable steps to correct-the shameful "don't ask don't tell policy that is directed against gays in the military.

I think that is on topic since imo it's part of that "people feeling superior to others' comment that you made. Maybe people "need" to feel superior to others" but I also think that the powers that be use this "need" to build and reinforce barriers between poor and working class people of all races and ethnicities who could unite together to topple those said powers that be.

And this strategy appears to be successful among at least 30% of the US population-that being around the number of folks who cling to Republican talking points that are "articulated" by the right wing media.

Thankfully, most Americans are wiser than that.