The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120087   Message #2608607
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
10-Apr-09 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: Tell Me About Martin Windsor [Winsor]
Subject: RE: Tell Me About Martin Windsor
Martin and Redd used to run the Troubador in London in the days when I went along there (early 70s). They were both very involved in the London folk scene from the 50's to the 70s, both powerful singers and (to my mind) Martin in particular had a great voice.

Here are some links on them, with more information:

Martin and Redd's Myspace page

Martin's Obituary from the Independent.

There are some vinyl records of them still to be found s/h. I have one Martin Winsor and Redd Sullivan hosts of the Troubador with friends - Track listing A: Beans, Bacon and Gravy; The Queen of Hearts; The Farming Servant; The Hieland Widow's Lament; I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate. B: The Ox-Driver's Song; Jock O'Hazeldean; Firing The Mauritania; Maccaffery; Trying To Make Heaven My Home. According to the sleeve notes of this record Martin was born in Liverpool, "but made his home in London and is acknowledged as an authority on London Folk-lore and dialect". (The record was produced by Jim McLean; I don't know if that's the same person who posts here).
