The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120114   Message #2609634
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
12-Apr-09 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: LTS and Limpit off on an adventure!
Subject: BS: LTS and Limpit off on an adventure!
Limpit and myself are off tomorrow evening to the delights of New Zealand - yes, travelling on the 13th! Thank the deities it's not a Friday...

The reason we're going is because my mother who lives there is not particularly well, she had a series of seizures or strokes earlier in the year and she's not improving as she should. So we're off to visit her for a couple of weeks, mainly so Limpit can have some lasting memories of her granny whom she's not seen since she was 2.

So... if you can spare some, a few good thoughts would be much appreciated.

I'll try and look in whilst we're there, as well as posting the odd picture or two to our Flickr account, but I can't guarantee anything as my sister has a terrible record with computers - she breaks them as often as Spaw breaks wind so you'll understand if I can't post at all!

I'm taking the latest installment of the family history over with me which should keep her quiet for a while, as well as some locally available cloth (Sari fabric and Kente cloth - I live in that sort of area!) and I get to meet for the first time, two nieces and two step-nephews, hopefully!

Although it's not her first flight, it's Limpit's longest, somehow I don't think I have a big enough cabin bag to hold all the books we'll need between us... but the MP3s are loaded, we've stocked up on spare batteries and I've put in a clean pair of pants each.

Here's trusting Manitas to look after my tits, and water the lettuces, and not rearrange the furniture whilst I'm away (unless it's swapping the sofas back, it doesn't work the way it is now...)

See you in 3 weeks if not before!

LTS and Limpit