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Thread #120026   Message #2609850
Posted By: Ron Davies
12-Apr-09 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Subject: RE: BS: WW2 made whites-only
"degeneration in race relations" in the UK after World War II not totally due to US soldiers' behavior in UK?

Such generosity.   You mean there's a chance UK citizens may have to take some responsibility for their own actions? How about that.

And it seems the thread originator, for reasons known only to himself, may possibly have a grudge against the US

No blacks marching in the Paris liberation parade? It's Ike's fault.

People uprooted from the Aleutians? Pure US racism.

Of course.

If the poster would only read the article he himself linked to re: the parade, he would realize there may possibly be enough blame to go around. Why did the UK not fight hard for the inclusion of blacks?   Why did DeGaulle not do so?   If they had pushed hard, it's unclear what would have happened. Especially since there were already strong civil rights groups in the US pushing for more black recognition.

And the history of racism in the US armed forces is, as usual with incendiary Mudcat topics, a bit more complex than the cardboard cliches fondly held by the poster.

In fact in the 19th century there was far more integration than became the case when Jim Crow became entrenched.   As Mudcatters would learn if they would only do some research--in Rapaire's link and elsewhere. Wilson, partly due to his southern background, did not help--even provided a quote for "Birth of a Nation". But even he came to the conclusion that the KKK of the early 20th century was a serious menace.

Also, from Rapaire's link: "Some countries objected to black soldiers because they feared race riots and miscegenation. Others with large black populations of their own felt that black soldiers with their higher rates of pay might create unrest." Still other countries had national exclusion laws."

And the US military did not always give in on this. "In the case of Alaska and Trinidad Secretary Stimson ordered: "Don't yield".   Sometimes it did: "As for Chile and Venezuela's exclusion of Negroes he ruled that: As we are the petitioners here we probably must comply". Panama wanted a black signal construction crew withdrawn. Stimson said: " is ridiculous to raise such objections when the Panama Canal itself was built with black labor." And the crew should stay.

Etc. etc. There's a lot more to be said. It's a question of how much time you want to spend.

And regarding the Aleutians:   it takes virtually no time to find out there was in fact a serious Japanese campaign there.   According to Wiki, at least 3,929 US casualties and at least 2,300 Japanese dead. Perhaps it might not have been a red hot idea for the native Aleuts to stay.

Since the poster does not seem to care for "official histories" it would be nice for him to provide his exact sources that most Aleutians "never lived to see their homes again". So we can see what factors might have been involved. On the off chance that it's not quite as simple as the poster dearly wants to believe.

Don't forget to set your outrage-o-meter on the detail that Les from Hull mentioned--the Poles weren't allowed to parade for fear of upsetting Uncle Joe (Stalin).

And be sure to tell us when the UK elects its first black PM. May be a while yet.

Not that Obama is a panacea. But his election is a start.