The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120143   Message #2610292
Posted By: SteveMansfield
13-Apr-09 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
Subject: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
Two bizarre bits of misused musical terminology recently ...

Item 1 - Acoustic. Duffy, the slightly odd 60s throwback popstrel, on the BBC1 Sessions TV programme, played part of her show as what she termed an 'acoustic set' - backed by electric guitar, electric bass, and a full rock drumkit. The segment of the show was a teensy bit less full-on ersatz Motown than the rest of her set, but since when did 'acoustic' become synonymous with 'slightly jazz-chord-ey'?

Item 2, a pub on the A6, advertising 'live music'. The live music in question being the Friday night disco, followed by Saturday night karaoke. 'Live'?

I think I'm coming over all Lynn Truss ...