The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28900 Message #2610343
Posted By: PoppaGator
13-Apr-09 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Waiting for You (Mississippi John Hurt)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Waiting for You (Mississippi John Hurt)
I recall participating in a discussion about this song that is not among the "Related Threads" listed above. We couldn't understand what Mississippi John was gonna do before we would go. I thought I'd re-read it, but can't easily find it now.
One of the Related threads that IS shown above, the one entitled "Chord Req: Waiting for You (MJH)," gives "I'll forgive you before you go" as an alternate title.
"Forgive" makes more sense to me than any of the alternatives ("Give" or "Kill"), even though MJH seems to be singing a one-syllable word ~ "F'give," I suppose."
That thread also includes a set of tabs for playing this song in open D tuning.