The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120026   Message #2610846
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Apr-09 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Subject: RE: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Bell ringing".   Try Liverpool, Bristol, and some others. And "it was just the rich" won't cut it. If you don't think sailors, rope-makers and others endorsed this, please do some more research.

And British support of slavery did not end in 1809.   Ever heard of the "Alabama", the Trent Affair, etc?   It also seems clear one of the main goals of the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed no slaves immediately, was to minimize any chance the UK might come in on the side of the South.

As I said, no more time now, but I'll be back at some point with more.

Economics plays a huge role.