The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120143 Message #2611204
Posted By: Harmonium Hero
14-Apr-09 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
Subject: RE: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
Tug: That's a definition of a guitar - has been for at least four hundred years before the invention of electronic amplification. I just can't see how adding the word 'acoustic' defines it as anything different, or clarifies it in any way. We knew what a guitar was - no need to add anything. If you put a pickup on it, then you have to qualify it by calling it an electric guitar. That doesn't mean you then have to re-define what was understood perfectly well before by adding an irrelevant term to it. What really brasses me off is when the pre-existing thing is then regarded as some kind of odd variant. On a previous thread, somebody actually referred to the electric guitar as "a regular guitar". The older I get, the more I'm convinced that it's a mistake to teach humans to talk; they just start talking shite. (Sorry Tug - didn't mean you!) Disgruntled of St Helens. PS - Ernest: I'm looking for a pub with Dead Football.