The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119547   Message #2611654
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Apr-09 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Subject: RE: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
For me, the description of a folk club I quoted above would fit comfortably into Dante's 'Inner Circle of Hell'. So what - that's me and my taste.
The question for me is, is this now what I can expect at a night at a folk club - is this typical, and if it is, should it be?
Have the clubs moved so far away from what I came to expect over the years I've been involved?
What do people now expect to get out of a club, apart from a pleasant night of song and music (which, for me, goes without saying) - or are people now content with SS's 'Magical Mystery Tour'?
Anwers to this would not only satisfy my own curiosity, but I am sure it would go some way towards settling part of my long-running dispute with Bryan.
Sorry - don't really want to monopolise this thread.
Jim Carroll