The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119547   Message #2611816
Posted By: John P
15-Apr-09 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Subject: RE: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
SS, Pip was asking you some questions. Calling him ANYTHING puts you in the same camp with Glueman. Of course, you also just made reference to there being folk police on this thread, at the same time that you're grousing about others' patronizing attitudes. Please stop making these kind of accusations. It really isn't furthering the discussion, and it's not true.

When you say things like There is no alternative definition - just a meaningless shibboleth concocted 7 years before I was born . . . it would appear to have become the cornerstone of a new faith entirely, that which thinks that Folk Song and Traditional Song are one and the same thing. Wrong! you lose the right to bitch about anyone else's tact. Do you really not understand that using phrases like "meaningless shibboleth", "a new faith", "a deeper seated cultural insecurity", "petty pedantry", "but once the folk police begin to close in for the kill", and "thinks that Folk Song and Traditional Song are one and the same thing" is condescending and rude? Do you really think those sentiments are supported by the evidence in this thread?

Without seeing any of Jim Eldon's other videos, I can still say with some certainty that the one in question isn't traditional music, and that you seem to think it is. How is that? And how is my seeing any of his other work going to affect whether or not this particular song is traditional?