The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120026   Message #2612061
Posted By: Jack Campin
15-Apr-09 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Subject: RE: BS: WW2 made whites-only
Nothing is known of the black people in Bristol.

A lot is known, just not known by whoever you happened to be reading - black history is a big deal in Bristol, there have been many publications and the local museums cover it.

Glasgow does much less well. It didn't have a big role in the slave trade itself, but its entrepreneurs (the guys the streets are named after) profited by the trade in slave-produced sugar and tobacco. And there isn't much locally on show to demonstrate that.

The slave economy was disastrous for the working class in Scotland. Caribbean sugar gradually came to replace domestically-grown starch crops as a source of dietary carbohydrate. This both put much of the agricultural sector out of work (leading to the Lowland Clearances, which were on a much larger scale than the better-known Highland ones) and meant that the Scots led the world in adopting a junk food diet, with horrendous results for public health which have lasted to the present day. And Virginia tobacco finished off what made-in-Jamaica nutrient deficiencies, diabetes, alcoholism and dental caries started.

Probably the city that made most money out of the slave trade was Boston (no, not the one in Lincolnshire). Do they commemorate their specific part in it at all?