The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2612319
Posted By: Bobert
16-Apr-09 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
The KKK reference was not meant to be literal but figurative... I remember back after the 2000 election being purdy pissed off at how I thought the election had been conducted but when Bush was innagurated I was thinkin', "Oh well, can't do much to change the election now... Better or worse, he the president... At least Cheney will be there to keep things controlled..." (lol, rmember folks thinkin' that???)

The point is that there wasn't the hatred, even by those of us on the far left, that we are seeing today... I had a feller on another website make the announcement that the Obama administration was "the most secretive administartion in the history of the country" just 2 days after Obama took office?!?!?!?....

Now one couldn't possibly be able to reach that conclusion after just two day in office unless they were filled with contempt (hate) of Obama...

So when I used the KKK in the title of the thread I meant it to imply the "hatred" that is the cornerstone of the Klan mindset...

I saw some very hatefull signs at these rallies last night on CNN that had little to do with tax policies but everything to do with hatred...

So, again... The KKK in the title is figurative...
