The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120143   Message #2612350
Posted By: SteveMansfield
16-Apr-09 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
Subject: RE: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
"If it's in all of us, then why should we keep quiet?"

Because it's not the best of us. It's the comfort of mutual cumudgeonliness, railing against our small window in time not being the only window, the perfect way, imagined idylls before music had a jack plug.

Of course amplification has its place and its uses; but truly acoustic music, the sound of wood and metal and plastic and bits of animal being transmitted directly to the ears without the intermediate use of any electronics or amplification, is a physically and emotionally different experience. Lose that and yes, actually, it does matter, because we lose a lot.

And anyway we're not - or at least I, at post #1, wasn't - talking about imagined idylls before music had a jack plug, I was talking about a fundamental and increasingly widespread misunderstanding of the concepts of 'live' music and 'acoustic' music. And if we lose the meaning of those concepts, then actually I happen to think that's important too.