The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2612876
Posted By: Janie
16-Apr-09 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
It is frightening, Bill, to see that minority in action. Especially when one realizes that viseral, irrational hatred is nearly untouchable.

It is wrong-headed, in my very humble opinion, to take a default position that anyone who is anti-Obama is racist and full of racist hate. A strident and dangerous minority of those who oppose Obama do so on racist grounds. But many others oppose his policies because of differences in sociopolitical philosophy.

Confront the hatred rationally, as best one can. Contain and marginalize the clearly racist motivated opposition to a president because he is a person of color. But also acknowledge valid differences in sociopolitical philosophy. Do not feed into the opportunities for white supremists and blatant racists to form coalitions with conservatives. Acknowledge the right of conservatives to a legitimate dessenting view. Do not lump them in with those whom clearly must be marginalized. They will be much more likely to distance themselves from this hate-filled minority if they are not discounted and marginalized themselves.