The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120143 Message #2615094
Posted By: glueman
20-Apr-09 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
Subject: RE: 'Acoustic' and 'live' music
Classic is one of those words that is continually misused in a range of contexts to suit the preferences of the individual. Take film, people speak of classics by which they usually mean a movie they like which may or may not be old. If the word has any meaning it tends to refer to one made under the studio system which had a highly developed set of on-screen and off-screen characteristics - a formulaic 'classicism'. The classical patheon gets lumbered with our preferences. I use a dreadnought western acoustic that gives you fingers like ET. No idea whether it's classic but it was made in China.