The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37458   Message #2615698
Posted By: ClaireBear
21-Apr-09 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: Really Really Important Poem
Oh, so many contributions I have failed to make! First, up by the Edgar A. Guest submission, I should have added my suband's favorite:

I'd rather flunk my Wasserman test
Than listen to a poem by Edgar A. Guest.

Here's an old favorite from my childhood:

I shot an arrow in the air.
It fell to earth I know not where.
I lose more damned arrows that way!

And another, from G.K. Chesterton:


I wish I were a jelly fish
That cannot fall downstairs;
Of all the things I wish to wish
I wish I were a jellyfish
That hasn't any cares
And doesn't even have to wish
'I wish I were a jellyfish
That cannot fall downstairs.'