The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37458   Message #2617161
Posted By: Micca
23-Apr-09 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: Really Really Important Poem
Subject: RE: Really Really Important Poem
Dr. Bell
fell down the well
and broke his collar bone
Doctors should attend the sick
and leave the well alone.

The origial in the Purple Cow saga was
I've never seen a Purple Cow
with tears my eyes are full
I've never seen a Purple Cow
andI'm a Purple Bull

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
all the Kings horses and all the Kings men
had scrambled egg for breakfast!

I wish I was a littl grub
with hairs around my tummy
I'd climb into a honey pot
and make my tummy gummy

Dewey was the morning upon the First of May
and Dewey was the Admiral down in Manila Bay
and Dewey were the Spaniards eyes
those orbs of black and blue
and dew we feel discouraged?
I Dew not think we dew