The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119159   Message #2617256
Posted By: Donuel
23-Apr-09 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Subject: RE: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
In retrospect I wonder about the friends I might have had in the community. I wonder about the families that may have prosepered and in turn were able to share some aspect of their good fortune instead of now standing in the unemployment line. I wonder about the millions of bodies that have been torn to shreds by bullets and bomb explosions as well as the Iraqi genome that is now poisoned by hundreds of tons of Uranium. I wonder about what advances that could have been made with a renewable energy policy instead of the Cheney war energy policy. I wonder about the damage to streams rivers lakes and oceans under the the most ludicrous enviormental lapse since Nixon. I wonder about the evangelical movement if hate baiting and science trashing policies had not been presidentially endorsed. I wonder what the radical Islamic movement would have done without the daily proof of American bombs and bullets killing virtually indisriminately. I wonder if the phrase 'shock and awe' might have been used to describe something beautiful that had happened. I wonder if the Enronization of virtually every Corporation and bank in America would have spread like the plague it has now become.