The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120114   Message #2617324
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
23-Apr-09 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: LTS and Limpit off on an adventure!
Subject: RE: BS: LTS and Limpit off on an adventure!
Splendid day at the zoo yesterday, lots of usual zoo stuff like tigers, lions and emu but no wombat. It seems that the one I saw in 1986 did what all animals do eventually and hasn't been replaced yet. The elephants were fun, flamingo did what flamingo do and the alligator just lay there like a dead thing, defying onlookers to see if it was alive or not. The frog house was disappointing - too far away for short sighted viewers to see if there was actually anything in the tanks - you'd think a bright blue or red frog would stick out in a green jungle setting, wouldn't you! The native fauna exhibition was fascinating, close up and personal with a tuatara and a very disgruntled kiwi - they're nocturnal so this one was a bit grumpy at being woken up during the day, even if she was fed corn (the keeper said it was like being woken up at 3.00am and fed chocolate).

Had a walk through the park to get to the zoo,
where we encountered ducks of many varieties, pukeko, geese, gulls, sparrows and chickens. Yes... chickens. NZ seems to have a feral chicken problem. People buy a rooster to promote egg laying, or give it as a present and then they're dumped and left to fend for themselves. Consequently, and with the release of a few hen birds, there is a thriving population of fancy chickens - I spotted at least 5 different breeds from those fluffy white pompom jobs, through the domestic red hen to a splendid fighting cock complete with massive green tail and spurs! Going to the park to feed the chickens, don't think it'll catch on. They're all over NZ though, and oddly enough, they all look pretty healthy - in fact, I've seen free range farm chickens in worse condition than these guys.

The reason we came to NZ wasn't to explore the wildlife though, it was to see my mother. I'm very glad to report that she is much improved and from being a limp rag last week, is now sitting up and out of bed - in fact, when we called in yesterday on the way to the zoo, she was in the lounge playing bingo! Much as I'd like to take credit for the improvement, it has to be down to the care of the staff at the home where she lives, and the hi-energy drink they're feeding her. Hopefully there are a few more years in the old girl yet!

Right, Limpit is jonesing for her Manga hit today, so I'll leave this for now... besides, we're off to the quilting shop later, don't tell Manitas! More at the weekend!