The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2617466
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Apr-09 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
"I have to disagree with some people's views of GfS. He/she is erudite and very often insightful. Some things push our buttons. I disagree with GfS's view in that specific regard, but that isn't enough to make me agree that GfS should be pilloried (sp?)."

Yes, I push buttons...and I wouldn't have to, if somewhere along the line, some of you, were showing signs of knowing HOW to think, instead of your glowing retention, of parroting off, crap you were taught WHAT to think!! Before I started this line of posts, which got a little 'coarse', I fully explained BEFORE, that I would, and why...and then proceeded to do just that. Some, could see through it, and some of the 'blocked' started wagging their heads 'TSK TSK'.....but, it did accomplish one thing, needed....some actually started thinking it through further.

I don't believe there are many, is any, in here, that given the circumstances of seeing someone hungry, cold or in other ways 'down on their luck', wouldn't stop to help them(at least I hope so)..and it wouldn't matter if that person in need was a homosexual, black, rich, or poor..etc, etc. That is because of something INSIDE us, and now it is up in all our faces...and you know what?...that's good! Would a 'political bent', stop any of us, from showing care, and compassion, toward a fellow human being in need of a hand??

Well, that's the same here, but on here, the hand that is needed, is understanding that is far wider in scope, than the 'political notion d'jour!'...and what is 'politics'?....the art of persuasion? Nobody needs persuading of anything, what is needed, is a remembrance, of who we are, and that little voice inside, that re-acts to truth, and then acted if the truth really IS important. To disregard the truth, to merely promote an ego gratification(game), of winning an argument, for some sort of validation, is nothing but useless self absorption...and in doing so, two things: A chance to ADD to your knowledge, and being constructive to others, are out the window.

I've 'perused' some other blogs (political) in nature, and they are getting absolutely no where...but now, on here, minds are considering other points of view..which means here, in Mudcatland, there is more 'unifying' than in all the empty promises about unifying, coming out of Washington, by the usual band of liars. Keep your minds open!

Yes, I might say something a certain way, to push a button, and that button could be linked to the 'think' circuit..which is good, and far healthier, than the listen and adopt blind obedience, to the propaganda machines, pumping out sewage for brain food, and telling you its delicious!

Not only that...sometimes its just downright fun, and a world of the 'politically correct word police'!!