The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23526   Message #261751
Posted By: Rick Fielding
20-Jul-00 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day, July 20,00
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day, July 20,00
I was going to say "it can also be a canoe paddle"......but, for me learning the guitar (and banjo) was the first time I ever had any actual sense of accomplishment. Up til that time ('bout age 16) the only (and I mean only) things I ever took any self pride in were drawing and playing baseball...and I saw both of those things as being lucky accidents and not the result of any actual learning of a skill. Without the instruments I would have had a much less interesting life, although I know I overdo their importance. Really it's just so much fun. Don't worry Prof. Pete I won't try and talk you into buying a Martin.
